Monday, February 16, 2009

The era of packages!

4 days and 5 nights trip to exotic Malaysia..... 2days/3 nights trip to Shimla.... well nothing new in ads of such type... but ya, the growing popularity of such packages has finally rubbed on to quite a handful of sectors now.

Case in point is the medical industry.. the wonderfully expensive hospitals is what i mean SPECIFICALLY.

Recently i've had the bad luck to undergo an operation... Nothing life threatening... a simple minor gall bladder laproscopic surgery for removal of gall bladder stones.

What better than celebrating Republic Day than in a hospital with a drip on you... and with the complimentary nurses (mostly Malayali and almost always refusing to speak in the language most are familiar with) eyeing you rather suspiciously.

Well after a real bad pain attack thanks to the stones, while i'm all pale and frentic, the nurse simply smiles and pushes an antibiotic injection in a vein which she found miraculously after 10 minutes. Well, leave aside the customary two words of consolation she smiles at me and forces the 2nd injection to help subside the urge of vomitting without warning me earlier... Lesson no. 1- Don't expect any empathy in hospitals. Lesson no. 2- If a nurse smiles in the hospital then its only because babe you're going to be injected soon..real soon.

The real lesson however was Lesson No. 3. Ever seen a parasite.... an average ordinarily ugly looking blood sucking parasite thrives on your sweet red blood.... likewise nothing like a mediclaim insured patient for a modern day 24hour hospital..... and if its a completely insured policy then its Christmas for them.... Jingle bell jingle bell all the way to your medical bills. The going is however pretty tough for someone lying helplessly somewhere in between the white sheets (Which brings me to the basic question that why do you always have to encounter white sheets in hospital... guess some kind of depression trick of the hospital to get you billed in their therapy sessions as well !). Post a number ....and buoy what a sizable number of more than adequate injections and the frills..... feel lucky if you're still feeling like a lame duck......

Mediclaims as i thought, somewhere hibernating in one of the folds of the cerebellum, were a facility championing the cause of the perennially near- broke salaried employed.

However, remember the little red riding hood story.... Once upon a time she went to the hospital, carrying her goody bag full of mediclaim... little did she know that the sweet, compassionate nurse was not her beloved grandmother but the clever, conniving BIG BAD WOLF.

After the operation a gladder less and experience wiser me, finally came to terms with the TRUTH... The BIG BAD WOLF is still roaming at large maybe whistling to itself sadistically," Come out, come out wherever you are..."

I hate the large teethed, hideous wolf now... hope you don't have any encounter.... Till then i pledge to stay from packages...especially of the whiter sort!